Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Conducting a Literature Review Data Collection Essay

Conducting a Literature Review Data Collection - Essay Example For instance, the mothers’ smoking habit also increases the probability of ‘physician-diagnosed asthma and wheezing’ after first few years of birth. For instance, the unborn children in uterus were found vulnerable to asthma and adverse respiratory effects primarily because of maternal smoking. 1.2 – Maternal Smoking and Low Birth Weight Veiga & Wilder (2006) conducted an extensive research on maternal smoking habit during pregnancy among African – American and Caucasians in American society. The authors actually based their research on previous findings of 180 – 200 gm weight deficit among new born children whose mothers smoke during pregnancy. Their new research results augmented the weight losses as the researcher revealed that maternal smoking is noxious for health of unborn children and that the smoking causes weight loss of 200 – 230 gm. For instance, the probability of low birth delivery (LBD) among smoking mothers during pregnan cy is twice than that of non-smoking women. In addition, the demographic factors such as race, marital status, age, education and income level also impact the results since greater percentage of LBDs had been recorded among Caucasians in comparison to Afro – American women.

Monday, October 28, 2019

In Dickinsons poetry Essay Example for Free

In Dickinsons poetry Essay The poem A bird came down the walk shows how man and nature are interlinked and are unable to escape this permanent connection even though they may sometimes clash and not connect. Lines such as then hopped sidewise to the wall show the curtsy and human like behaviour of nature and how nature is inevitably given human qualities. In this poem we are shown the brutal and civilised side of nature, we see that nature is beautiful from a distance however as you get closer and see nature in depth you see the brutality of nature, however even after seeing and showing us the brutality Dickinson still continues to admire nature as something beautiful. Her poem also shows how nature is very free and careless since nature doe not worry about anything, it is also shown to be unforgiving. Themes of nature are also present in I heard a fly buzz and because I could not stop for death Dickinson shows transcendentalist views in many of her poems. Dickinson shows the clash of mankind by saying he bit an angleworm in halves this quote shows how nature can be threatening to mankind since an angleworm is used as bait when fishing and since the bird is eating them it shows that it is disturbing mankinds techniques of survival. The word bit implies human characteristics and highlights a connection between mankind and nature, the word bit is associated with eating which shows the inescapable interlink of man and nature. The word angleworm is capitalised showing its significance which highlights the birds unthoughtful act. This stanza has a ABCB rhyme scheme which sets the a motion in the stanza. Themes of nature are also highlighted in poem 712 by the lines Gazing Grain the word Gazing gives nature human characteristics and the capital letter G makes nature seem like something important and off great value and this again links to human quality since a persons name is always began with a capital letter. Natures brutality is highlighted in the following line where it says And ate the fellow raw this line is quite powerful as it shows that the bird is carefree and is unforgiving, this line shows the freedom in nature since the bird does not hesitate and simply does what it wills. The word And at the beginning of the sentence is capitalised to show the significance of the birds act also it may show the speakers dismay or shock at the innocent looking birds act. This line is quite strong as the word raw stands out this is associated to something dangerous however it can also be seen as fragile since you may interpret it to be something naked. The word raw shows the brutality of nature and that nature has a good and bad side just like mankind who may be evil or good again linking nature to mankind almost like a inescapable cycle. This disturbance is also highlighted in the poem I heard a fly buzz where Dickinson mentions stillness in one line and in the following line she says heaves of storm these lines show the contradictory behaviour of nature it also highlights how quickly nature can change its path from something peaceful and beautiful to something brutal and disturbing, which is linked to mankind since mankind also changes paths very easily from good to evil or vice versa showing the link between mankind and nature. The word stillness associates to death or peace which shows the calm and relaxed side of nature and how it can be in favour to mankind, however the word storm associates to destruction or disaster which represents its brutality and how it can be harmful to mankind. Dickinson also highlights how mankind can disturb nature in their natural performance in the line He stirred his Velvet Head this shows the bird being disturbed as he has now became cautious someone is around him or is watching him this may also reflect that he may feel his privacy is being invaded which again gives the bird human qualities. The word Velvet Head shows connotations of something regal and royal and also highlights a feminine side to the bird, this shows the connection of mankind and nature since the bird is well groomed and words such as velvet may represent some type of clothing which suggest the bird is dressed giving him human quality and characteristics showing the link between nature and mankind. The word Velvet also highlights sexual connotations as you interpret it to be something quite sexy or soft and feminine, further down in the poem the word seam is used also showing something sexual as a seam is usually referred to in context to clothes. The capitalisation of the Velvet Head again gives the bird importance and shows a status for him. In stanza three Dickinson uses words such as rapid, hurried and frightened this shows a change in pace in the poem as the poem was running fairly smoothly and then these words create tension and make the tone more panicked this shows the human like nature of the bird since he is given human characteristics and shows that the bird is frightened of the speaker. The theme of disturbance is shown in the poem I heard a fly buzz since throughout the poem we are being shown how nature is disturbing the death of the speaker, the speaker says there interposed a fly- which shows the disturbance the fly is causing to mankind since the speakers death is being interrupted. The word interposed associates to annoyance or distraction showing that the fly is ever present and it is not prepared to leave showing the presence of nature around mankind all the time and vice versa. The dash at the end of this line suggests that the sentence is unfinished and is maybe going to carry on, also shows the speakers attitude as maybe annoyed and not pleased. Dickinson highlights the arrogance of the bird showing the line And he unrolled his feathers this is representative of the birds ignorance to what its done, it shows that the bird has naturally carried out a act of killing and simply flown away, this line may also be interpreted as the bird having to move on in his life and how the bird has no set place and is on a constant journey. The word unrolled highlights a sort of arrogance in the birds body language, since the word unrolled is quite soft and nai ve suggesting he does not understand the significance of his actions and doesnt realise his mistake, this shows the clash between man and nature since Dickinson is suggesting here that the bird has no morals and this is a natural act for him, whereas mankind would be very cautious and careful of their actions and would most of the time realise there mistake. In this line there is no significant punctuation used. The poem highlights her attempt to get to nature and get to understand nature however the bird does not let her. Dickinson may represent nature as god or something more powerful then mankind and she may be implying that she is trying to understand god or this force however it is so powerful that she is failing. Themes of god being represented in nature are also hinted in poem 465 in which Dickinson says And then the windows failed this line implies that the barrier which was interfering in Dickinson death has failed. In this poem the fly may be interpreted as Satan as it is disturbing a command given by god, puritan values are also shown here as the fly fails to interrupt and death is successful showing that god holds the power. This shows how nature and mankind are interlinked since they can not escape each others realms. Overall Dickinson repeatedly shows the connection between mankind and nature as inescapable, she repeatedly shows how powerful nature is and how nature and mankind effect each other; Like one in danger, cautious, this shows the reader that Dickinson values nature and gives nature the same respect as she would to mankind we know this since Dickinson constantly gives nature human values and qualities. Dickinson clearly highlights her importance for nature by linking it to god and linking it to mankind, showing her transcendentalist views.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

I Believe in the Potential of Children :: Teaching Education College Admissions

I Believe in the Potential of Children â€Å"Anybody, any kid can learn if he or she has the desire to do it†¦ The teacher plays an important role in education—we all remember the first teacher who really touched our lives, or gave us some encouragement, or at least appreciated our best. The teacher gives us the desire to learn, the desire to be Somebody†¦The teacher has to have the energy of the hottest volcano, the memory of an elephant, and the diplomacy of an ambassador†¦Really, a teacher has to possess love and knowledge and then has to use this combined passion to be able to accomplish something.† --Bob Alante, teacher Concerning the nature of students, I agree with the Sophist point of view—although all children are not born with the same level of intelligence, all children have the capacity to learn. I do not think that children are born entirely good or entirely bad. A child is influenced by his environment, and models his behavior to match the people closest to him. Knowledge is relative, and the level of success a child achieves in school is directly related to the amount of support and encouragement he receives at home. Public education serves a variety of different functions. Most importantly, education helps to shape children into competent, self-sufficient adults. Schools reflect and promote society’s values. Important social skills needed in the work force and everyday life are learned at school, such as sharing, compromise, and the importance of teamwork. As a teacher, I want to encourage and help children to reach their full potential. I want my students to realize that they are all different, and understand that diversity is a good thing. I believe that there are different types of intelligence, and creativity is just as important as logic. Teachers’ behavior should reflect values such as tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, and open-mindedness. Effective communication skills are needed to encourage students to share their concerns. Teachers should not try to persuade students with their personal points of view, nor should they shy away from showing students that they have strong beliefs. An ideal classroom environment is one that allows students to feel free to express individual beliefs. I will try to exemplify these ethics by using a variety of teaching methods, alternating between visual, kinesthetic and audio instructional approaches in an attempt to reach all students.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Protein Article Research

Protein Article Research Sara Langrell December 15, 2011 Nutrition SCI/241 Dr. Venessa Lee Abstract: Athletes have been searching for years for a way to reduce the amount of recovery time between work outs. Based on this issue there has been quite a lot of research conducted to find out what can be done, if anything, to either reduce or eliminate recovery time. One of the theories is to increase protein intake above the daily recommended amount, thereby providing the body with additional amino acids that promote recovery. Although this seems like the perfect solution, there are some flaws. It would appear that not only do you need additional proteins but an additional source of fuel to allow the proteins to do their job, therefore all in all a balance must be struck. The recovery time needed from an intense work out is a direct result of the lengthening, or even sometimes, tearing of muscles. If the work out is too intense muscles can actually be damaged. The damage can be classified into three different categories: Type I, Type II and Type III. Type I muscle damage is classified as the soreness that occurs 24-48 hours after unaccustomed exercise. Type II is classified as an acute disabling pain either from the complete tearing of the muscle and facia or the disruption of a few fibres with the facia remaining intact. 1 Type III is classified as a cramp or soreness that occurs either during or directly following a workout. 1 Because of these issues, many hours of research have been conducted to try to determine if there is anything that can be done to slow or even elimi nate the damage done to the muscle during exercise. When muscles are stretched or damaged proteins are both broken down and synthesized all at the same time. The breakdown is not all bad for the body, as it regulates potentially damaging and dysfunctional proteins. 2 In direct response to the breakdown, the synthesis that occurs would seem to be good for the body; however it can cause an imbalance in muscle proteins. 1 Based on research it has been determined that replacing amino acids during and after exercise helps to balance the protein deficiency and assist in the repair process. Many of the recommended ways to do this is to increase protein intake or possibly opt for an amino acid replacement supplement. Dependent upon the type of exercise you are prone to will determine the type of supplement that would be recommended. Checking with a physician would be the best bet before beginning any type of therapy. Bibliography: 1. ) Nosaka, Kazunori PhD, Muscle damage and amino acid supplementation: Does it aid recovery from muscle damage? International SportMed Journal, Vo. 8 No. 2, 2007, pp. 54-67 2. ) Phillips SM, Protein requirement and supplementation in strength sports. Nutrition, Vol. 20, 2004, pp. 689-695. Protein Article Research Anonymous Dr. Louis Cohen SCI/241 Protein Article Research January 3, 2012 According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, protein is found in every cell in the body. Protein provides our bodies with energy that is ready to be used. After it is digested, it becomes amino acids. There are 23 amino acids which are very essential to the body and are needed for the body to function properly. Amino acids are needed in order to build muscle strength. Protein can be found in animal foods, and it can also be found in plant foods.Animal foods such as meats, cheeses, and dairy products are complete sources of protein, while plant sources are an incomplete protein source because they are low in at least one of the essential amino acids. Plant sources need to be consumed with a complementary protein source in order to be certain that protein needs are being met. For example, if you eat chicken, that would be a complete source of protein, whereas if you eat rice for a meal, you should ad d beans to make the protein consumption complete. A few examples of plant sources or an incomplete protein source is as follows: corn, tofu, grains, some vegetables and fruits.Because I am a 19 year old woman, I need 46 grams of protein a day. I can easily meet and exceed the amount that is necessary by eating all of my meals in a day and by consuming all other essential nutrients. Although getting just the right amount of protein is healthy for the body, getting too much can be harmful. When people consume too much protein, they increase their risk of weight gain. Also, high protein diets can put a strain on the kidneys because they rid the protein from the blood, may contribute to cancer because it increase blood levels of IGF-1, and may cause nutritional deficiencies.Just as high protein diets can cause medical illnesses, low protein diets can do the same. A diet with a lack of protein can cause skin pigmentation, diarrhea, swollen bellies, rashes, and change in texture or color of the hair. Protein is on the body’s essential needs, however, too much or too little of any nutrient that is essential can harm the body. It is vital that people learn the amounts of nutrients their body requires in order to become or remain healthy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Perspective on the Teachings of Jan Hus

Jan Hus From â€Å"The Church† Jan Hus was a Czech Roman Catholic preacher and writer in Prague. His teachings were influenced by the English theologian Wyclif. Wyclif was one of the earliest opponents of papal authority influencing political power; he started anticlerical and biblically centered reforms known as the Lollard Movement. The Lollard Movement was a precursor to the protestant reformation. Likewise, Hus called for radical reforms in the church. Of primary concern to Hus was the designation of the Pontiff, or Pope, within the church.Based on his radical views and strong opposition to the church’s foundational belief that the pope is the head of the church, Jan Hus was accused of heresy and was condemned. Hus recorded his perspective and teachings in monographs which were used by his accusers to build a case against him. Of the thirty-nine sentences read to him at his trial, twenty-six of them were based on his work â€Å"The Church. † Because Hus refus ed to renounce his beliefs he was burned at the stake, becoming a national martyr against the Catholic Church.The excerpts from his work â€Å"The Church† express Hus’s opinions on the papacy. He begins by characterizing the role of Christ within the church. Hus uses scriptures from Matthew, I Peter, Hebrews, Luke, John, Philippians, and revelations to support his argument, that Jesus is the only true roman pontiff, or bishop, of the Roman Catholic Church. Hus interprets these scriptures as describing three major themes of Christ: 1) Jesus is at the right hand of god, and no one can be saved without him, 2) Jesus is omnipresent and all knowing, and that 3) Jesus is god.Jon Hus uses these scriptures to contend that Jesus is the only true bishop because he baptizes and takes away the sins of the world, holds supreme guardianship over man, and that he is the pope, or father of the future age. Hus concludes that everyone is subject to the pontiff, Jesus, for salvation, and that there is no other pontiff except for jesus. Hus’s major contention with the church centers his beliefs that there is an abuse of the term pope within the church since anyone, ordained or not, can e elected as a pope, and that expressed belief in one individual, the pope, is needed for salvation. To support the first belief, Hus goes provides examples of popes who were unlettered, female, and/or heritics. He concludes that under current conditions within the church, even an antichrist could be elected as pope. Hus uses these examples and the potential for an antichrist religious leader to drive home the point that no pope is the most exalted person of the Roman Catholic Church besides Christ. Therefore, no pope is the head of the Catholic Church except for Christ.To support the latter belief, Hus suggests that it is not a necessity for salvation that people should believe expressly that any one is head of any church whatsoever; unless the works of the individual plainly moved others into believing it. He claims that if the body of Christ, the people, follows a bad head, the pope, then both body and head will end up in the precipice. Therefore, people should choose who they wish to follow as a head, and that their decisions should be based on the works of the individual. Hus’s beliefs posed an immediate threat to the Roman Catholic Church and, more importantly, to its leaders.By stating that popes are not ordained of god, and that popes have historically assumed contradictory roles to their appointed position, Hus questions the legitimacy of the elite position within the church. The pope Alexander V excommunicated Hus and his followers in 1409 and outlawed public preaching. The government however, took the side of Hus, and the power of his movement increased daily. Despite the ban on free preaching, Hus continued to preach in the Bethlehem Chapel. It appeared as though the ban itself caused little result. Tensions between the church and Husâ €™s movement continued until a council was called in 1414.The council of Constance was an attempt to put an end to the division of people due to the papacy and to take up the long desired  reform of the Church. Hus agreed to go to the council on the premise that he would be given safe passage. However, it has been proposed that he suspected that he would be killed at Constance; this is evidenced by the will he wrote prior to going. Within a few weeks after his arrival, Hus was imprisoned, put to trial, and burned at the stake. His execution was an attempt by the church to squander the reform that he had started in Bohemia. However, the eople of Bohemia responded to his death by moving even more rapidly away from Papal teachings, and by announcing a  crusade  against them. A  Papal bull was then issued by the pope  which stated that all supporters of reformers like Hus and Wycliffe be slaughtered. The crusaders lost, as did the second and third crusades that followed. A century later, as much as ninety percent of the  Czech Crown lands  still followed Hussite teachings. Although some revolutionary movements do not end in a revolution, there accounts can provide powerful insights into the views held among the people.It is too often that only the perspective of the rich and noble are recorded in history; revolutionary movements offer some of the few accounts of the opposing ideals held among the commoners. Jan Hus’s reform resulted in his death, and the death of many of his followers, but its impact upon the church was far reaching. Hus was a key contributor to the creation of Protestantism which strongly influenced European States, as well as Martin Luther. The reform started by Jan Hus resulted in the Basel Compacts which allowed for a reformed church within Bohemia.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

History of the Income Tax essays

History of the Income Tax essays The federal progressive income tax has been an issue that has been argued on the floors of Congress, in front of the United States Supreme Court, in front of television cameras, and around the dinner table. The tax served its purpose in supplementing revenue during the Civil War and World War I, but continued taking from Americans income in peacetime, allowing fewer dollars to be spent on goods and services. When the American government was in a deficit, it was harder to argue for the abolishment of the income tax, but now that Congress is looking at a government surplus for the first time in decades, the question is raised again: Do we have to have a progressive federal income tax? Prior to the Civil War, the vast majority of government funds came from tariffs on imports. The only exception was during the War of 1812, when blockades by the British, as well as the war being with the young countrys number one trade partner, lowered income from tariffs. Government revenues were accompanied by funds from the sale of public lands, such as the Louisiana Territory and the Oregon Country, as well as excise taxes, which were introduced during the War of 1812 (Hansen 62). As Abraham Lincoln, who once said that he had no money sense and never enough money to fret him, came into office with a national debt of nearly $75 million and little to no inflow of customs duties, as well as an outflow of investments to foreign countries by investors who feared war. After attempts to raise money by selling bonds, doubling tariffs, increasing excise taxes, and creating license fees, it was realized that another form of tax was needed (Paul 7-8, Witte 67). The details of the tax, however, were not agreed on easily. The tax was originally proposed to tax land in each state, with revenue to be handed out according to population. The idea of this tax created a congressional rebellion, led by the South and West,...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on General Managers

When I graduate from College, I have certain careers that I would like to pursue. These careers have many similarities and many differences but in the end they are the choices which I have chosen. All of the three careers I have chosen are business related and have the same price range. Two of the careers job clusters are in the Management category while the other career is in the Data Analysis as well as the Sales category. I believe that the careers I have chosen are the right ones. The careers are General Managers and Top Executive, Sales and Marketing Managers, and Operations Managers. The first career that I will go into is Operation Manager. In this job a person is responsible for the internal operations of a company. The reason why I have interest in this career is because I believe that I can help out a company with such decisions such as hiring, public relation, sales, producing products and much more. Also, I think I could handle this job because I can keep everything check. The average entry-level salary is approximately 20,000-25,000. If you stay in the job and earn experience a person can make 35,000 to 60,000. The job cluster for this job is Data Analysis and Sales, both of which I am capable of doing. The temperaments for this job are directing activities of others, performing a variety of duties, making evaluations based on data. These temperaments fit my choice very well mainly because it fits my jobs persona. The job outlook is expected to grow as fast as average over the next ten years due to the need to consolidate operations. There really isn†™t that many alternate jobs if the job outlook becomes poor for some odd reason. The chance of promotion is rather high when a person achieves more experience. If a person shows very little experience from which that person has achieved, he/she will not be promoted for a while. Some of the benefits of having such a job are health insurance, Life insurance, and other great be... Free Essays on General Managers Free Essays on General Managers When I graduate from College, I have certain careers that I would like to pursue. These careers have many similarities and many differences but in the end they are the choices which I have chosen. All of the three careers I have chosen are business related and have the same price range. Two of the careers job clusters are in the Management category while the other career is in the Data Analysis as well as the Sales category. I believe that the careers I have chosen are the right ones. The careers are General Managers and Top Executive, Sales and Marketing Managers, and Operations Managers. The first career that I will go into is Operation Manager. In this job a person is responsible for the internal operations of a company. The reason why I have interest in this career is because I believe that I can help out a company with such decisions such as hiring, public relation, sales, producing products and much more. Also, I think I could handle this job because I can keep everything check. The average entry-level salary is approximately 20,000-25,000. If you stay in the job and earn experience a person can make 35,000 to 60,000. The job cluster for this job is Data Analysis and Sales, both of which I am capable of doing. The temperaments for this job are directing activities of others, performing a variety of duties, making evaluations based on data. These temperaments fit my choice very well mainly because it fits my jobs persona. The job outlook is expected to grow as fast as average over the next ten years due to the need to consolidate operations. There really isn†™t that many alternate jobs if the job outlook becomes poor for some odd reason. The chance of promotion is rather high when a person achieves more experience. If a person shows very little experience from which that person has achieved, he/she will not be promoted for a while. Some of the benefits of having such a job are health insurance, Life insurance, and other great be...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quality Management Five Components of Service Management

Quality Management Five Components of Service Management Service management is usually defined as the point in a supply chain that connects sales and customers, but in recent years the concept has morphed from a fairly narrow aspect of overall management and strategy to a broad management orientation that addresses all facets of an enterprise, particularly in service industries. Beginning in the early 1980’s, Christian Grà ¶nroos of the Hanken School of Economics in Finland started developing a â€Å"framework of values† for service management, a set of principles which, if integrating correctly into the company’s strategy and operations, leads to good service delivery. There are five parts to the framework of values for service management: An overall management perspective This requires a shift in the broad priorities of the firm from an internal focus on process efficiencies, economies of scale, and cost management to an external focus on customers’ perspectives on core product quality and total firm performance. Grà ¶nroos’ entire thesis is that the classical scientific management handed down to us by the likes of Adam Smith emphasizes division of labor, which can and often does result in separate parts of the enterprise working at cross-purposes. The service management perspective, by comparison, establishes customer service as the overall goal throughout the organization so that even if the efficiencies of the division  of labor are employed, they are necessarily done so in the context of their impact on the broader objective. At first blush, this particular part of the framework might sound like a vague motherhood statement, but it is actually important because it establishes the basis for the other parts of the framework of value s. Customer- or market-driven performance measures The big difference between a ‘service management’ orientation and the best practices suggested by classical scientific management is that performance measurement must have an external perspective, rather than being based on goals related to internal efficiencies. Well-known performance management and planning tools such as CSFs and KPIs still work very well from a service management perspective, but only if the success factors and performance indicators down to the level of the individual employee are expressed in terms of what each segment or position in the organization contributes to customer service. In essence, every role within the organization in some way becomes a customer service position. You can also be interested in: Management or Leadership? Stock Markets and Seasonal Effects in Them Management and Exchange Rates Management Essay Quality management is not segregated from ‘normal’ management functions This part of the framework is perhaps more applicable to manufacturing or other production firms where a distinct quality control process is required, but otherwise, the concept of integrating quality control functions into normal workflow simply reinforces the perspective of the first two parts of the framework. This aspect of the service management perspective is also perhaps more familiar than most; we see it in practice quite often through ideas such as Total Quality Management.   The biggest change it requires from the organization lies in operational planning, because quality control functions – where distinct procedures are required – must be broken down and smoothly fit into a unified, overall process. Internal development of personnel This concept has become almost canonical in human resources management  and relates to service management in two critical ways. First, it is the primary means by which customer service perspectives and goals can be properly spread throughout the entire organization, and is a key link in the service-profit value chain (discussed in greater detail in another article). Higher levels of employee experience, skill, and satisfaction lead to greater efficiency and employee loyalty, which positively affect service quality in a number of ways. Second, it is virtually impossible to effectively implement quality management functions as described above into an enterprise-wide process without using internal human resources; the best people for the job in any organization are the ones the organization already has. Just as with quality management, personnel development requires the integration of HRM functions that are usually treated separately into mainstream processes, at least at the planning level. Flat organizational design The service management framework emphasizes cross-functional abilities, internal collaboration, and lateral communication, and as a result,  tends to discredit the effectiveness of hierarchical organizations for achieving customer service quality. This presents a significant management challenge in organizations where the scientific management perspective of specialization and division of labor is an unavoidable necessity, such as in businesses where core functions require highly skilled workers who have intensive specialized training. Cross-functional training at an airline, for example, can only go so far;   it would be ridiculous to consider putting ticket counter  personnel behind the controls of a jet airliner just â€Å"to get a feel for what others’ job roles are like†. But on the other hand, there is little to prevent a highly-skilled airline pilot from spending a few days behind the counter to experience a different side of customer service. Some criticisms of the service management framework of values One implication of the service management perspective is that it greatly increases the complexity of planning and strategy in an organization; many of the boundaries between different departments or functions disappear entirely, and everything initiative from the level of individual employees upward must be complementary. This is the underlying reason why the framework has never been modeled in any great deal; an effective model would require consideration of a very large number of variables, and might be too unwieldy to be useful. And without a model, the framework is just another qualitative concept that does not give much direction for practical application. Another reason the framework has not received as much academic or practical attention as it deserves is somewhat unfair; Professor Grà ¶nroos’ discipline is marketing, not management, and in his various writings, he tends to stay in his comfort zone when seeks examples to illustrate the points he is making. Management scholars seem to have a bias that relegates marketing to a niche within the broad realm of business studies, and so have possibly overlooked the greater application of the ideas developed by â€Å"a marketing teacher.† Which, if nothing else, is a good reminder for business students not to impose limits on their explorations of knowledge – just as the framework of values suggests, one’s own effectiveness can be greatly increased by cross-training. Read more about service management: Grà ¶nroos, C. (1994). From Scientific Management to Service Management. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 1(5).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Women and men as single parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women and men as single parents - Essay Example In any case, for the healthy nurturing of a child, the care and love of both the father and the mother is necessary for a child. It is impossible for the mother to extend the fatherly care to the child and vice versa. This paper briefly compares and contrasts the duties of women and men as single parents. The child relies his father for security and mother for love and care mostly. The child may feel secured only in the company of the father because of the superior mental and physical power of the father. It is difficult for a mother to cultivate the same feeling of security in the mind of a child as a father did. Same way it is difficult for a father to extend the motherly love and care to a child. Mothers are soft people in most of the cases and the soft and in depth love and care extended by the mother cannot be replicated by a father. Mother’s love and the security provided by the father are essential for the positive development of a child. In many of the families, father works for the family and the mother looks after the children and hence the family matters go smoothly and the children get good living conditions and the emotional support at the same time. But in single parenthood, the child may not get the proper emotional support as his only parent should do everything needed to sustain the family. â€Å"Single parenting will require you to be a sympathetic mother plus a strict and providing father at the same time. It is no wonder that being a single parent can be very stressful. It can be a very difficult task which will generally result in giving mum or dad a terrible headache each day† (Single Parenting Advice). In most of the families the father is the police force who administers discipline in the family. In the case of a single parent (mother) family, the woman needs to manage the disciplinary matters and the caring matters at the same time. It is difficult for a woman to pretend

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Essay Example A grand as well as the generic strategy will also be adopted to enhance growth. Such strategic plan components will guarantee that Wal-Mart remains a leader in the industry (Giudice, Carayannis & Peruta, 2011, pp. 104-105). This paper gives a limelight to the strategic alternatives and offer sound recommendation on the best strategies to implement based on the current climate in the retailing industry. It is undoubtedly obvious that all the value disciplines, including product leadership, customer intimacy, and operational excellence are likely to benefit Wal-Mart in exceptional ways. However, one of the most effective disciplines that the firm can adopt is operational excellence since it will enhance the internal operations and do away with wastes within the internal processes. Using such a value discipline will also continue giving the firm a competitive edge and improve on its logistics as well as purchasing. To do this, it must continue focusing on offering low prices by negotiating with the suppliers to reduce their costs through economies of scale. As a result, this helps it to offer diverse products with competitive service, while at the same time maintaining affordable or reasonable prices. Placing an immense focus on operational excellence will also help in mitigating the prevailing risks in the business world of been undercut on prices by the rival firms such as Target ( Lynch, 2013). Coming up with an excellent supermarket chain that is capable of accommodating growth requires high degree of operational excellence. In that case, the firm must also be focused on adopting projects that boosts productivity and reduces costs. It should also continue investing in information technology to improve on the inventory system, communicate promptly with the suppliers, and deliver the necessary data on time. Continuous improvement on operational excellence will go a long way to improve the firm’s productivity, offer

Strategic Quality and Systems Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Quality and Systems Management - Essay Example This strategy is meant to respond to the health and safety requirements of the society particularly as understood together with the matter of capital growth and human development. The current global trends in food and beverage businesses favor actions and policies that uphold diet and nutritional concerns of the modern societies. In order for PepsiCo to retain and improve its high position in the market, the management has devised new policies and business approaches that are tailored towards increasing its revenue base (Jurevicius, 2013). The corporation also intends to adopt innovative and results-oriented approaches of expanding its capital base. Such approaches will entail both long-term and short-term policies for spurring the growth of equity in a sustainable and efficient manner. PepsiCo has devised multiple strategies that are intended towards the safeguarding of capital gains against the unpredictable climate on the market. A strong and dependable financial policy is the driving force behind decades of stability and consistent growth. Stable financial policies are necessary for protecting against the shifting market realities. Primarily, every organization exists for growth and profits. In the wake of globalization and the liberalization of the market economy, there is every need for organizations to adopt policies and strategies for enhancing the quality of their products and services with the intention of staying above the fray of market competition. Accordingly, organizations evolve ways and strategies of effective operational management processes that aim at enhancing quality and harmonizing the sum of their operations in a manner that is consistent with the objectives of growth and revenue expansion. In the particular case of PepsiCo, the operational management processes are tied on the core goals of producing high quality food and beverages that meet the diverse tastes of the targeted

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managing Change in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Change in the Workplace - Essay Example It is however important to note that culture is fluid in nature considering the rapid changes organizations are subject to at the global level. Over the period of time, there have been constant changes in the external environment of the organizations making them more vulnerable to change. The debate on whether organizational culture is something organization is or has depends upon how organizations adapt the culture and mold themselves according to the overall given situation. Given the overall complexity of the management of the culture specially the sub-cultures, it is relatively difficult to actually determine as to how organizations should tackle the issue of organizational culture and overall change management.It is however important to note that culture is fluid in nature considering the rapid changes organizations are subject to at the global level. Over the period of time, there have been constant changes in the external environment of the organizations making them more vulne rable to change. The debate on whether organizational culture is something organization is or has depends upon how organizations adapt the culture and mold themselves according to the overall given situation. Given the overall complexity of the management of the culture specially the sub-cultures, it is relatively difficult to actually determine as to how organizations should tackle the issue of organizational culture and overall change management.  

There are no circumstances under which child labour can ever be Essay

There are no circumstances under which child labour can ever be considered acceptable. To what extent can such a claim be justified Illustrate your answer with suitable evidence - Essay Example Child labour refers to the illegal practice of using children below a certain age for labour work. Despite of the fact that the legal and moral definition differs in some parts of the world but the basic idea is the same. Unfortunately, almost all the countries have been in the frontline to condemn and oppose child labor; however, very little has been done by these countries to actually prevent it and still today the numbers regarding child labour are alarming (Nangia, pp. 20-21, 1987). This paper is an attempt to look at the serious issue of child labor, and present some arguments, sufficient for opposing child labour under all possible circumstances. As mentioned in the introductory section of the paper as well that every child undergoes a process of emotional, physical, mental, social, and moral development under his introductory years of life. In fact, as psychology tells us that these years are crucial in determining the overall personality of that individual. Lessons learnt in these early years stay there forever and leave such significant impact that it becomes virtually impossible to separate a person from his or hr childhood influences. This explains why parents try their best to give their children an environment of understanding, comfort, mutual consensus, love, affection, care, consideration, devotion, and respect because they want them to learn and value all these things in their early childhood. The reason is that if they do it now, this would most probably stay with them until the rest of their lifetime (Gabalawi, pp. 54-55, 2009). Very common is to see a mother teaching his son the value of speaking truth and helpi ng others and a father telling her daughter the importance of unity and respecting their elders. More importantly, parents put in their maximum effort to keep their children out and away from any tough, stressful or

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing Change in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Change in the Workplace - Essay Example It is however important to note that culture is fluid in nature considering the rapid changes organizations are subject to at the global level. Over the period of time, there have been constant changes in the external environment of the organizations making them more vulnerable to change. The debate on whether organizational culture is something organization is or has depends upon how organizations adapt the culture and mold themselves according to the overall given situation. Given the overall complexity of the management of the culture specially the sub-cultures, it is relatively difficult to actually determine as to how organizations should tackle the issue of organizational culture and overall change management.It is however important to note that culture is fluid in nature considering the rapid changes organizations are subject to at the global level. Over the period of time, there have been constant changes in the external environment of the organizations making them more vulne rable to change. The debate on whether organizational culture is something organization is or has depends upon how organizations adapt the culture and mold themselves according to the overall given situation. Given the overall complexity of the management of the culture specially the sub-cultures, it is relatively difficult to actually determine as to how organizations should tackle the issue of organizational culture and overall change management.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inquiry of The Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood Essay

Inquiry of The Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood - Essay Example Enric Miralles, the Catalan architect and designer of the building died while the project was in progress. The former Lord Advocate Peter Fraser in his Holyrood Inquiry in 2003 has identified the Construction Management method of procurement as one of the major factors affecting the final cost of the project (White and Sidhu 2005). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to outline the alternative methods of construction procurement that may have been considered for the Scottish Parliament building. One of the methods will be selected as the most suitable, and the reasons for the choice will be explained. The Scottish Parliament building has won numerous awards including the 2005 Stirling Prize for its architecture. The design of the construction was conceived as a poetic fusion of the â€Å"Scottish landscape, its people, its culture and the city of Edinburgh† (Satellite Sites 2008). However, the unrealistic cost estimates at the conception stage, the lack of true comprehension of the architects’ evolving design, requirement for changes and increases approved by the client: the Secretary of State and later the Parliament, and the consequent rise in costs resulted in financial difficulties during the construction. Most significantly, there was inadequate understanding of the Construction Management route of procurement, with no information given to the ministers regarding the risks involved in this method. Moreover, due to the complexity of the project, high maintenance costs are being incurred in an ongoing manner (White and Sidhu 2005). The procurement system is the project organisational structure adopted by the client. It is defined as the â€Å"collective action required to acquire the design, management and installation of inputs† (Ngowi 2000, p.362). According to Morledge (2006), over the last twenty-five years, there have not been any significant changes in the United Kingdom strategies for the procurement of new

Monday, October 14, 2019

Phil. 101 Metaphysics Essay Example for Free

Phil. 101 Metaphysics Essay Philosophy stemmed from the early Greek religions and myths, in search for answers to their questions about life. From early B. C. till today people still have questions about life and after-life, what is real and what is reality. Philosophy has dozens of subdivisions within it, one being metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, and within metaphysics there are three more divisions materialism, idealism, and hylemorphism. Each philosopher fits into one category more then others. I have chosen to write about Aristotle, Plato, and Histories because I feel they each fit into a category with little confusion as to where they belong in metaphysics. Materialism falls all the way on the left of the spectrum. Materialism is defined as all reality is only and ever matter. This is the mindset of nothing happens after death, or if the tree falls and no one hears it there is no sound. I interpreted this as a pessimistic, dull outlook because it left little room for imagination. As I read Aristotle’s piece Metaphysics’ it really opened my eyes to materialism. On page one he says, â€Å" A sign of this is out liking for the senses; for even apart from their usefulness we like them for themselves—especially the sense of sight, since we choose seeing above practically all the others, not only as an aid to action, but also when we have no intention of acting. † If one were to break this down Aristotle says we as humans use our senses not only for the innate purpose, the most used sense is sight because it helps when doing something or nothing at all. This quote showed materialism because I related it the tree falling, because no one used his or her senses to hear the tree fall therefore nothing happened when it fell. Aristotle explains that if one does not know if something is real by using his or her senses then it is nothing at all. Idealism lies on the right of the spectrum as far from materialism as possible. Idealism is defined, as all reality is only and ever the result of my subjective interpretation. As I browsed through Plato’s work I noticed he made many references to god. These references canceled out materialism for Plato because materialists do not believe in god(s), because there has never been a physical god. As I looked more in depth in Plato’s work, the work showed doing good by god and soul for the after life. In Plato’s Euthyphro, Euthyphro stresses piety, a religious devotion, if fact the entire dialogue is based on the pious thing to do. Euthyphro says, â€Å" I would certainly say that the pious is what all the gods love, and the opposite, what all the gods hates, is the impious. † Because the pious thing is what the gods’ love and that is a belief, which shows idealism because it is a belief and not matter. At the end of Plato’s dialogue Apology, Socrates is sentences to death, he makes a reference to when he dies he will meet with all the other men who have died for his the same reason and they share their experiences, but no one truly knows what happens after death except the gods. Idealism is based upon a subjective world, meaning it is what one believes it to be. Plato’s entire story The Allegory of the Cave represents idealism completely. This is a story Socrates based on his view of the education system. It began with prisoners in a cave who only saw shadows of puppets, heard random noises, and the only source of light was a fire. They know nothing other then what they are shown but they were to interpret the puppets in their own way, eventually a prisoner will be freed to leave and will come back because that was all they knew. Although the story is flawed and sad it represented the idealism because the prisoners had the freedom to imagine what the wished even with no knowledge of what it was. In between materialism and idealism, hylemorphism blossoms. Hylemorphism is defined, as all reality is a distinct, non-separable combination of matter and form. This section of metaphysic allows space for matter to change form and a little more room for imagination in general. In A Pre-Socratics Reader I believe Diogenes Laertius and Herodotus to be the most hylemorphism philosophers. As materialism and idealism believe in two completely different experiences after death, I think hylemorphism think that people reincarnate because they believe that forms will change. Laertius tells a story of a man beating a puppy and as he heard the puppy’s cry he asked the man to stop because it was the cries of the soul of a friend of his. Herodotus says, â€Å" †¦ the human soul is immortal, and each time the body perishes it enters into another animal as it is born. † The pre-socratics has dozens of philosophers that have the same thoughts or views as these two men, which represent hylemorphism just as well. As I broken down metaphysics into the three general categories, it can be broken down more and have more philosophers in each category. Philosophy is not set in stone; it is all set upon interpretation. Some may feel completely different about Aristotle’s positions on the spectrum or even Laertius’, philosophers will never true have a set category in metaphysic.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Geometrical Application Of Ordinary Differential Equation

Geometrical Application Of Ordinary Differential Equation Many practical problems in science and engineering are formulated by finding how one quantity is related to, or depends upon, one or more (other) quantities defined In the problem. Often, it is easier to model a relation between the rates of changes in the variable rather than between the variables themselves. This study of this relationship gives rise to differential equation. Derivatives can always be interpreted as rate. For example, if x is a function of t then dx/dt is the rate of x with respect to t. if x denotes the displacement of a particle, then dx/dt represents the velocity of the particle. If x represents the electric charge then dx/dt represents the flow of charge that is the current. Derivatives of higher orders represents rate of rates. If x denotes the displacement of particle, then d2x/dt2 represents the accelerations. A differential equation can be defined as an equation containing derivatives of various orders and variables .differential equation which involves one independent variable are called ordinary differential equation. If the differential equation involves more than one independent variable and partial derivatives of the dependent variable with respect to them, than it is called partial differential equation. Explanation:- Let y be the dependent variable and x be the independent variable. So the system can be denoted as dy/dx= y , d2y/dx2=y Some Example of Ordinary Differential equation y=62 y+16y =2x x2y-xy+6y=log x yy+ y2 = x2 Introduction to differential equation, and solving linear differential equations using operator method:- In this Term paper, I will first introduce what differential equation is? Separable first order differential equation will be solved. Then the integrating factor will be taught to solve linear differential equation of the first degree. The auxiliary equation (or characteristic equation) will be introduced to solve homogeneous linear equations, and then operator method will be taught finally to solve non-homogeneous linear equations. This term paper assumes readers familiar with basic of calculus, like differentiation and integration. What is differential equation? A differential equation is an equation which contains derivatives. Here are some examples: In these equations, y is an unknown function depends on x which we would like to solve. These kind of equations are very important in different fields, like in chemistry describing rate of reaction, physics describing equation of motion, etc. Therefore, able to solve these equations analytically enables us to understand many natural process. The above equations are known as ordinary differential equations(ODE) since they only contain derivatives with respect to one variable, x. (note that the equations hold for all values of x) In mathematics, an ordinary differential equation (or ODE) is a relation that contains functions of only one independent variable, and one or more of their derivatives with respect to that variable. A simple example is Newtons second law of motion, which leads to the differential equation for the motion of a particle of constant mass m. In general, the force F depends upon the position x(t) of the particle at time t, and thus the unknown function x(t) appears on both sides of the differential equation, as is indicated in the notation F(x(t)). Ordinary differential equations are distinguished from partial differential equations, which involve partial derivatives of functions of several variables. Ordinary differential equations arise in many different contexts including geometry, mechanics, astronomy and population modelling. Many famous mathematicians have studied differential equations and contributed to the field, including Newton, Leibniz, the Bernoulli family, Riccati, Clairaut, dAlembert and Euler. Much study has been devoted to the solution of ordinary differential equations. In the case where the equation is linear, it can be solved by analytical methods. Unfortunately, most of the interesting differential equations are non-linear and, with a few exceptions, cannot be solved exactly. Approximate solutions are arrived at using computer approximations. The trajectory of a projectile launched from a cannon follows a curve determined by an ordinary differential equation that is derived from Newtons second law. Ordinary differential equation Let y be an unknown function in x with y(n) the nth derivative of y, and let F be a given function then an equation of the form is called an ordinary differential equation (ODE) of order n. If y is an unknown vector valued function , it is called a system of ordinary differential equations of dimension m (in this case, F : à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ mn+1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ m). More generally, an implicit ordinary differential equation of order n has the form where F : à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ n+2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚  depends on y(n). To distinguish the above case from this one, an equation of the form is called an explicit differential equation. A differential equation not depending on x is called autonomous. A differential equation is said to be linear if F can be written as a linear combination of the derivatives of y together with a constant term, all possibly depending on x: with ai(x) and r(x) continuous functions in x. The function r(x) is called the source term; if r(x)=0 then the linear differential equation is called homogeneous, otherwise it is called non-homogeneous or inhomogeneous. Solutions Given a differential equation a function u: I à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ R à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ R is called the solution or integral curve for F, if u is n-times differentiable on I, and Given two solutions u: J à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ R à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ R and v: I à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ R à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ R, u is called an extension of v if I à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ J and A solution which has no extension is called a global solution. Terminology Partial differential equations These are equations which involves more than one independent variable. For instance: Partial differential equations(PDE) are significantly more difficult than ODE, and we wont talk about it at this moment. Order Order of a differential equations is the order of the highest derivative in the equation. Order 1: Order 2: Degree The degree of a differential equation is the degree of the highest derivative in the equation. Degree 1: Degree 2: Separable 1st order ODE If the ODE is in the following form, the solution can be found using integration easily: Example:- In the study of partial differentiation, recall that a function of two variables that equals a constant, describes the points in the 3-D plane with the same potential; . The curves that connect the points with the same potential are called level curves and have the value of c. A contour map is a level curve graph where common elevations are connected giving a 2-D representation of a 3-D reality. Using a LiveMath 3-D graph theory you can plot such a function along with the level curves describing the contours associated with that function. The picture below uses the following function to demonstrate this (here is a LiveMath plug-in animation of the graph below). In general terms, this type of equation is represented by the following: It describes the level curves and is the solution to the following differential equation. The equation below is just the total derivative of the function above. Because it is the total derivative of some function z(x,y) it is called an Exact Differential Equation. To help understand how to solve these types of equations you will look at the solution first and then analyze how to back into that solution. In this example you will take the total derivative of a function and analyze its parts. Then you will take this new equation (a differential equation now) and, knowing the answer, describe the method used to solve it. Input the following equation: To take a total derivative in LiveMath, first input the differential operator d times z (d*z). Input this into a second Prop and substitute the equation into it. Collect common terms on the RHS and Expand the coefficients of the differentials for the final answer. After setting the RHS equal to zero you will have a differential equation to solve. Notice how the coefficients are neither separable, homogeneous, nor are they linear. To help analyze this equation, label the coefficient of dx as M and the coefficient of dy as N. Both are functions of x and y so place the equation in the following form. The total derivative of a function is obtained by adding the partial derivatives of the coefficients. This is done with the equation below. Set up our notebook in the following manner: Perform the substitutions to give the partial derivatives. we can see that differential equations of this type are Exact. They are immediate derivatives of another function. You know this is true in this example because you developed the equation below by taking the derivative of the original function. we can describe an Exact Differential Equation as an equation whose dx coefficient is the partial derivative with respect to x of some function f(x,y) and whose dy coefficient is the partial derivative with respect to y of the SAME function. Since you dry-labed the last example you know what this equation, z=f(x,y), is. This will not be the case as you look to solve these problems though, so you need to find a way of determining that an equation is exact, then you will know that M and N are related to the solution equation in this way! Using the fact that these partial derivatives are of the same function will be the key to the method used to solve these equations. To test a differential equation for exactness, follow the method described in the next example. Test for Exactness This example demonstrates the test for exactness of the same equation used in the previous example. First input the differential equation as shown below. Remember to include an Independence Declaration inside the same case theory the test is performed. To test for exactness, equate the partial derivative with respect to y of M and the partial derivative with respect to x of N. Notice that these partials are with respect to the exact opposite variables as those used to determine the total derivative in the last example. The reason for this will become clear to you later when you derive this test. Set up the partial derivatives and solve by substituting M and N into the partial derivative Ops. The fact that they are equal means that the differential equation is exact! Method of Solution: To solve these types of equations you will need to take one or the other coefficient and go backwards to determine the solution. You can take either M or N to do this, it is up to you. For this example try using M. Solution Method First, set up an equation equating the unknown function, named , to an integral of M plus some unknown function of y. Call this function u for the time being. The reason you do this is the fact that to get M, the partial derivative was taken of the unknown function with respect to x. You will try to back into the answer by integrating M. This is not automatic though, because of the fact that when a partial derivative is performed, one of the variables is treated as a constant and therefore drops out (the derivative of a constant is = 0). Below this derivative is displayed again. We will not get back the function by integrating M, because the y term is not there! It is the constant, as is shown below where you try to get the function back by integrating M. This is very close to the answer, and with a little twist, will lead to a method that you will use to obtain the solution. Input the following props and perform the substitutions as shown. The user defined variable u is used in this case, rather than the arbitrary constant c, because you are actually looking for, what you might call, an arbitrary function. It will also be necessary later to have u defined as a variable for LiveMath to solve for the function. Now we have a potential function (), that represents the solution to the problem. To solve, the function u must be determined. If you take the partial derivative of the unknown function with respect to y this time, you will get N. By setting up the equation this way, you can then isolate u. You already know what N is, so: Next substitute the potential function into the Prop and solve for u by performing an integration. The final solution is achieved by substituting this u Prop back into the function . Since this function describes level curves, it is set equal to a constant c. The question remains, why do you take partial derivatives of M and N to determine if an equation is exact? M and N have been defined as the partial derivatives of z with respect to x and y respectively. By taking the second partial derivative of each coefficient WITH RESPECT TO THE OPPOSITE VARIABLE, the LHS of both of these equations is equal and therefore the RHS are equal too.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Analysis of the Epic Poem, Beowulf - Beowulf :: Epic Beowulf essays

Beowulf The classic hero is a well-known character of high social position whose qualities represent those valuable to his society. The hero is pitted against monsters and is, therefore, strong and courageous often to the point of seeming superman. Beowulf often displays cunning and craftiness in dealing with others. At the same time, since he represents all humans, he struggles to overcome human weaknesses. He is challenged and he triumphs. In Beowulf: A new telling by Robert Nye, Beowulf is a classic hero. He struggles against monsters, endures challenges, suffers, and eventually is victorious over evil. His words and actions, which help him decide the fate of a group of people, demonstrates that Beowulf is a brave, wise, and benevolent leader. Beowulf seems to always show signs of bravery thoughout the story. He is pitted against monsters and is, therefore, strong and courageous often to the point of seeming superhero. For instance, when Beowulf is going to go find and kill Grendle with his men, he stops to talk with the coast guard, Beowulf says " ... Then you are either the bravest man in the world..." Many poeple throught the story think the Beowulf is very brave! Once Beowulf and his men leave the coast guard the author makes a remark; "When Beowulf had heard of all the stories about the dreadful demon Grendle, he was determined to go and help Herothgar kill the monster..." This demonstrates intrepidity, because he is willing to go risk his life for another country. Another source of courage is when Breca and Beowulf fights off the nine sea monsters. First of all even doing the daring contest in the sea is a sign of dauntlessness, but a true sign of bravery is this, " And I swung my sword to fight them off. .." Can you now see that the author meant for Beowulf to be the hero, and the bravest one of them all ? Robert Nye wouldn't cut the hero of the story short with only bravery; Beowulf was also wise. All through the book Beowulf was wise. There are many of examples of his cleverness. Beowulf uses his sagaciousness when he is getting ready to do something and in his every day problems.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Study of Mc Golden Arch Essay

Executive Summary This case study was about the Madison Hotel project in Memphis. After determining the case, there were lots of problems occurred during the processes which are over budgeting and delay opening because of the unplanned acquisition of facilities. The problems are occurred because the owner of project changed the concept of the restaurant, the land price was raised, the name of the building was belonging to the previous owner, refusing the loan from the back, and inaccurate and insufficient construction. After the root causes of the problems are discovered, there are many ways to solve and prevent the problem. There are three main ways to solve them. The first way is to improve the construction contract. The owner should invest the background of the construction company before signing the contract. Also, make a clear cut-contract to ensure that the constructors will finish the project on time. In case there is any fee from defaults or failures, the constructors have to respond for them. The second way is to consider the risk that involve with this project. The management team should be able to respond the unexpected risks that may occur immediately and they should have a second plan for more alternatives as well as reducing the period of working time. The last way is about planning process. The owner should have a plan which is covered all the part of the project and all responsibility of the project member for avoiding any complexity to prevent any pushing the responsibility off duties to other players. The more important of the project, the more efficient of the plan should be considered. If the plan is achieved, the hotel will be opened on time and the project owner will not have to pay for unnecessary processes. Also, the Madison Hotel will be the best boutique hotel in Memphis according to its fully service and facilities, and for special events, the hotel will have high occupancy rate from fully booking. On the other hand, if the plan is failed, the hotel will face with the same problems which are delay opening, over budgeting, complicated business plan, and failure to achieve the goal. The description of the case 1.1 Background of the case This case study focused on the creation of a 110-unit luxury boutique hotel in Memphis, Tennessee by four developers and the lessons they had learned during this complicated project. The individuals who identified in this project are – Walter Broadfoot: a veteran hotel owner and broker from Memphis – Tony Klok and Gene Kornota: they funded the majority of the equity for the project – Mohamad Hakimian: The long time general manager of Memphis’s most famous hotel who became involved in the project as a managing partner to shaping the renovation and character of the hotel Walter Broadfoot first eyed the Tennessee Trust Building as a possible hotel in Memphis because it was an ideal structure to convert to a hotel that is to say it already had a window and an identical floor plan from floors three though sixteen, a large ground floor lobby, a second-level mezzanine, a lower or basement level and the potential for a rooftop deck that would command a breathtaking view of the mighty Mississippi. But the Memphis lodging market had enough depth and there were a lot of complexities and extent of challenges faced him at the certain period of the time. Therefore, the project was abandoned right away at that time. The building was cost $250,000 and was selling by CNA Company, but CNA didn’t hold any legal right to it because it was in the name of previous owner. After the developer bought this building from CNA Company, they had to pay for this unplanned process which cost about $100,000 and took several months to be done. He encountered the owners who were either unwilling to sell or wanted to make a quick buck in order to make space for hotel’s food, beverage and banquet facilities. After many months of planning and meetings, the developers faced another exceedingly budgeting problem. By the time, the hotel was swelled to approximately $15 million which is 50 percent more than the estimated total project cost ($9.7 million). The developers site several major factors that drove up the original budget which are -the enhancement of the initial food and beverage concept: from limited in scope to full-service/upscale grill and bar – Inaccurate and insufficient construction cost budgets: by an unqualified general contractor – The expense for ensuring construction interest that they (new contractor) will be continued well beyond the time frame According to over budgeting, the entrepreneurs need to loan from the local bank but the local bank realized that this project hold too much risks, consequently, there weren’t any local banks interested in providing permanent financing for the project. Tony and Gene have to loan from the bank of Chicago base on banking relationship. The loan was about 50% of the project cost and the bank will continue to hold the title of the building as additional secured collateral. The business entity that was formed to own the hotel was a Tennessee limited liability corporation. Equity share is defined as the actual cash equity contributed by each partner while financial share represents the structure of the profit distributions after receives a return on their original cash equity. Equity shareFinancial share Investor#145%35% Investor#245%35% Investor#35%15% Investor#45%15% 1.2 The purpose of the case The purpose of this study was to understand the complexities involved in this project. Also, to create a new plan in order to prevent any unexpected situations or unfavorable conditions that may occur during the processes. To learn the previous obstructions and the lessons that already occurred to prevent current risks and problems that may exist as well as to think ahead and preclude complicated problems in the future. For improving and developing this boutique hotel to become the best European style boutique hotel in the Memphis, hopefully, in the Tennessee likewise. 1.3 The scope of the case This case study looks into the Madison hotel renovation which is located at Tennessee, United state by four entrepreneurs. It is all about the business planning process which is about how to start a hotel business starting from buying the properties along with finding the source of investment funds not including sale and marketing analysis, competitor analysis, or other irrelevant aspects. 1.4 The limitation of the case The case study involved with the financial incentives and tax free exchange provisions which were beyond our basic knowledge. Hence, this case study analysis will not refer to any financial topic which has no effect to analysis process.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A critical analysis of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Essay

Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953, depicts a grim and also quite feasible prediction of a futuristic world. In Bradbury’s technology-obsessed society, a clear view of the horrific effects that a fixation for mindlessness would have on a civilization shows through his writing. Being carefree is encouraged while people who think â€Å"outside the box† are swiftly and effectively removed. The technology Bradbury’s society is designed to keep the people uninformed, which the vast majority of are happily and voluntarily in their ignorant state. There are many details in this novel that suggest that the future of a society obsessed with advanced technology is not only bleak but also dangerous. Bradbury’s use of certain machines shows the emphasis his society has on thoughtlessness. For example, a commonly referenced appliance is the parlor wall. The parlor walls keep people thoughtless by blasting noise and colors at its audience, which is evident in the passage: â€Å"A great thunderstorm of sound gushed from the walls. Music bombarded him at such an immense volume that his bones were almost shaken from their tendons; he felt his jaw vibrate, his eyes wobble in his head. He was a victim of concussion†(45). The speed of which the shows hit their viewers is so intense that one cannot think or grasp on to any sort of thought. Another key example of technology promoting a thoughtless society is the earpieces. Earpieces are small enough to place inside your ear, where, when in place, broadcast the noise from the parlor walls. Mildred, throughout the entire novel, wears her earpieces, â€Å"She had both ears plugged with electronic bees that were humming the hour away†(18). The technology in school also illustrates how thinking for oneself and being an individual is considered both appalling and strange. Clarisse describes her school’s schedule, ‘†An hour of TV class, and hour of basketball or baseball or running, another hour of transcription history or painting pictures, and more sports, but do you know that we never ask questions, or at least most don’t; they just run the answers at you, bing, bing, bing, and us sitting there for four more hours of film teacher†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ(29). After analyzing the evidence presented, it is clear that the society in Fahrenheit 451 does not value thoughtful consideration and does not have to  worry about being inconvenienced by such concerns with the use of their advanced technology. Read Also:  Critical Review Essay Topic Examples Numerous examples of technology also suggest the threatening aspect of a society based upon advancements. The Mechanical Hound, for instance, directly shows the potential for danger. This contraption’s main purpose is essentially that of a killing machine; if someone is a menace to society, it is only a matter of time before they are exterminated. The Mechanical Hound is introduced in the novel by Montag, â€Å"It was like a great bee come home from some field where the honey is full of poison wildness, of insanity and nightmare, its body crammed with that overrich nectar, and now it was sleeping the evil out of itself†(24). Montag’s description of the Hound introduces his concept to the readers that although a robot is not human and, therefore, cannot be evil; there is still an ominous characteristic looming about the Hound. However, Bradbury’s society is also a great danger to itself. An example of this would be people driving in their jet cars. Members of this society do not understand the meaning of caution, which clearly shines through when they get behind the wheel, â€Å"The beetle was rearing. The beetle raised its speed. The beetle was whining. The beetle was in high thunder. The beetle came skimming. The beetle came in a single whistling trajectory, fired from an invisible rifle. It was up to 120 mph. It was up to 130 at least†(127). The use of this machine shows that society is more concerned with speed and pleasure seeking than the well-being of others, which is an exceptionally dangerous priority to have. The frightening side of technology is apparent, also, when the advanced bombs of this world are mentioned. The setting of Bradbury’s novel is at a time of war; bombs are dropped onto the society that once was home to Montag, â€Å"Perhaps the bombs were there, and the jets, ten miles, five miles, one mile up, for the merest instance, like a grain thrown over the heavens by a great sowing hand, and the bombs drifting with dreadful swiftness, yet sudden slowness, down upon the morning city they had left behind†(158). Undoubtedly, these bombs are a sinister and dangerous progression for technology. Bradbury’s society has many reasons to feel threatened by the advancements of its world. However, feeling threatened is impossible for a society that is founded on the principals of apathy. The people are carefree, which is encouraged by the government. How can a society with no worries rise up and rebel? The government obviously has the advantage of manipulation, which is carried out by their technology. Clarisse has an appropriate way of describing the bleakness of a society that doesn’t care, ‘†I sometimes think drivers don’t know what grass is, or flowers, because they never see them slowly,† she said. â€Å"If you showed a driver a green blur, Oh yes! He’d say, that’s grass! A pink blur! That’s a rose garden!†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ(9). The uneasiness Clarisse feels for the way people behave in her time depicts how people do not take the time to enjoy the smaller parts of life because nobody in this society cares. Another machine that proves the threat of a technology-obsessed society is the need for the stomach pump. Brad bury mentions early on in the novel that people often overdose on sleeping pills, not purposefully, but because they pay so little attention to the amount of pills ingested, overdosing is extremely commonplace. Mildred, at one point, swallows too many pills, Montag describes the machine used to pump her stomach, â€Å"They had two machines, really. One of them slid down your stomach like a black cobra down an echoing well looking for all the old water and the old time gathered there†(14). The need for a piece of technology like the stomach pump in this novel, only further supports the evidence of technology showing the threatening effects of a carefree society. Another advancement designed to accommodate the need to have no worries all the time would be the incinerator Beatty speaks about to Montag, ‘†Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he’s on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man’s a speck of dust†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ(60). Beatty confirms the severity of the level of apathy in the fact that his society is so concerned about being unconcerned that technology must do all of the dirty work. A society, which has all the technology to take care of such inconveniences, would and, by using Bradbury’s novel for verification, does make a society carefree, which has been proven time and time again to be an incredibly threatening outcome. Several fine points of the novel portray Bradbury’s implication that a  society founded on the need for advanced technology is doomed to lead a bleak and dangerous existence. Examples of technology promoting a brainless society are abundant throughout the entire book. Even more technology illustrates the hazards and harmful aspects of these technological advancements. When both the developed machines that encourage thoughtlessness along with the destructive technology of the future are considered, one can plainly see that the worst advancements of all of those of which show the grim and threatening effects of a carefree society. Possibly the most uncanny feature of reading Bradbury’s novel is the fact that, realistically, our society has been working up to a technology-obsessed way of life for quite some time, and our impending future could very well be a mirrored image of Fahrenheit 451. Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine, 1991.

Leadership in Practice: the Columbia Accident Essay

Introduction: For this paper, I have chosen to analyze the leadership performance of Linda Ham, Chair of Mission Management Team, and Daniel S. Goldin, NASA Administrator, 1992–2001. Both, in my estimation, were part of the problem, and not part of the solution. Both succumbed to outside political forces and placed much more emphasis on meeting self-imposed deadlines than astronaut safety. Both gradually dismissed the vast majority of the recommendations of the Rogers Commission after the loss of the Challenger and doomed NASA to repeat history. Background of leader #1: Linda Ham, Chair of the Mission Management team for the last Columbia mission, was hired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) soon after she graduated college. She began her career with NASA as a Propulsion Systems Monitor at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Over the years she rose through the ranks of NASA to Chair the Mission Management team for STS-107, which was the failed mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia that broke up upon re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere. Background of leader #2: Daniel S. Goldin, NASA Administrator, 1992–2001, was hired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) soon after he graduated college. He began his career at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio working in electric propulsion systems for human interplanetary travel. He left NASA a few years later and began working for the TRW Space and Technology Group. Over his 25 year career at TRW, Goldin rose through the ranks to become the Vice President and General Manager of TRW. Goldin then returned to NASA and became its longest tenured Administrator. Goldin was known for being able to cut costs and still provide many space programs. His â€Å"crusade for efficiency† (2004) ended up being the most visible flaw in an administration philosophy that lost another seven astronauts. Another glimpse into what kind of man and leader Daniel S. Goldin is, can be found in a lawsuit by the Department of Justice that â€Å"that seeks more than $170 million from TRW Inc., which is accused of padding government space contracts with research-and-development costs ‘that should have been paid out of TRW’s profits.’ The lawsuit contends that Daniel S. Goldin, who ran the company’s Space & Technology Group during the early 1990s, participated in the alleged overcharges by authorizing suspect accounting practices.† (1998) Leadership styles: Both Goldin and Ham clearly pushed the NASA agenda which was set by Goldin. Both appear to fit into the autocratic leadership style in that they demanded absolute obedience. Neither fostered a culture where diverse opinion was welcome. Both created an atmosphere where diverse or dissenting opinion was ignored and unwelcome. Goldin and Ham forced many NASA employees, specifically engineers and safety personnel, to become â€Å"organizational bystanders† (2008) because they were unwilling to risk their career to challenge the agenda of Goldin and Ham. NASA became a workplace with administrative blinders on. â€Å"NASA is not functioning as a learning organization† (Gehman, 2003). â€Å"[NASA mission managers] were convinced, without study, that nothing could be done about such an emergency. The intellectual curiosity and skepticism that a solid safety culture requires was almost entirely absent. Shuttle managers did not embrace safety-conscious attitudes. Instead, their attitudes were shaped and reinforced by an organization that, in this instance, was incapable of stepping back and gauging its biases. Bureaucracy and process trumped thoroughness and reason† (Gehman, 2003). Ham’s influence on STS-107 is most clearly described in this excerpt from the Case Study on the Columbia Accident by Maureen Hogan Casamayou, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia: Ham did inquire about the foam strike, but: not to determine what action to take during Columbia’s mission, but to understand the implications for STS-114. During a Mission Management Team meeting on January 21, she asked about the rationale put forward at the STS-113 Flight Readiness review passed muster not because of their inherent validity (and hence greater safety for the crew) but simply to launch another shuttle into space on schedule. As the CAIB report states, Ham’s focus on examining the rationale for continuing to fly after foam problems with STS-87 and STS-112 indicates that her attention had already shifted from the threat of the foam posed to STS-107 to the downstream implications of the foam strike. Ham was due to serve . . . as the launch integration manager for the next mission, STS-114. If the Shuttle Program’s rationale to fly with foam loss was found to be flawed, the flight, due to be launched in about a month, would have to be delayed per NA SA rules that require serious problems to be resolved before the next flight. An STS-114 delay could in turn delay completion of the International Space Station’s Node 2, which was a high priority goal for NASA managers. Further evidence of her preoccupation with meeting the designated launch schedule was reflected in Ham’s concern about the length of time to process photos of the Columbia on-orbit. According to the CAIB, on January 23rd: Ham raised concerns that the extra time spent maneuvering Columbia to make the left wing visible for imaging would unduly impact the mission schedule; for example, science experiments would have to stop while imagery was taken. According to personal notes obtained by the Board: â€Å"Linda Ham said it was no longer being pursued since even if we saw something, we couldn’t do anything about it. The Program didn’t want to spend the resources.† (CAIBR 2003) Further evidence of the unchallenged assumptions and lack of intellectual curiosity at NASA is described by Niewoehner & Steidle, â€Å"At the January 24, Mission Management Team meeting at which the â€Å"no safety-of-flight† conclusion was presented, there was little engineering discussion about the assumptions made, and how the results would differ if other assumptions were used. Engineering solutions presented to management should have included a quantifiable range of uncertainty and risk analysis. Those types of tools were readily available, routinely used, and would have helped management understand the risk involved in the decision. Management, in turn, should have demanded such information. The very absence of a clear and open discussion of uncertainties and assumptions in the analysis presented should have caused management to probe further.† (2009) A different outcome: In reviewing this case study, I am nearly certain that leadership style played a secondary role in the situation. The primary issue appears to be that the leaders, Goldin and Ham to be specific, allowed the outside influence of budgetary constraints imposed by Congress and the Presidential Administration to shape their mission and vision for NASA. In practical terms, the amount of money in the budget and the self-imposed goals of the number of shuttle missions to keep that budget from decreasing over-road concern for safety. Not only did it over-ride that concern for safety, but it created an organizational culture that ignored any line of thinking that challenged or threatened NASA’s goals. We must remember that there are drawbacks in stating specific identified government organizational goals. When a government, or a component of government, forecasts where it wants to be in the future, it binds itself to those identified goals. Administrators become personally attached or emotionally involved and are loath to change for fear of appearing to admit failure. This certainly affected the leadership and policy decisions of Goldin and Ham. Rocha could have done more to bring the safety concerns to light, however in retrospect, he clearly would have risked his career in doing so. We need more leaders, and followers, who are willing to risk their career especially when human life is at stake. A different outcome for STS-107 is very likely if NASA had truly functioned as a â€Å"High Reliability Organization†, which Weick and Sutcliffe (2001) say is characterized by: †¢A preoccupation with failure †¢Reluctance to simplify interpretations †¢Sensitivity to operations †¢Commitment to resilience †¢Deference to expertise Goldin and Ham could have implemented the five key dimensions of collaboration: governance, administration, organizational autonomy, mutuality, and norms of trust and reciprocity. They could have created a team or committee to review, research, and assess each and every safety concern that was raised by any NASA employee. This team should have negotiated, committed, and then implemented those commitments. There was no trust and reciprocity between the NASA engineers and the NASA mission managers. Goldin and Ham should have embraced a more Democratic Leadership Style. â€Å"Although a Democratic leader will make the final decision, he/she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or team members in what’s going on, but it also help to develop people’s skills. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, such as the promotion they deserve and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. As participation takes time, this approach can lead to things happening more slowly but often the end result is better. The approach can be most suitable where team work is essential and quality is more important than speed to market productivity.† (2012) Yes, they would have likely missed future deadlines, probably scratched future missions, and maybe even lost some of NASA’s precious funding from Congress, but the strengths of the five key dimensions were never given a chance to prevail. The reason why is glaringly clear: â€Å"The most costly resources of collaboration are not money but time and energy, neither of which can be induced.† Huxham (1996) With NASA’s entire function hinging on budgetary concerns that became strict deadlines, time trumped safety and everyone from Congress and the Presidential administration to NASA management and the entire workforce, all have â€Å"blood on their hands.† My outlook: As a future leader, I am most profoundly struck by the impact of bureaucracy. I believe that even Goldin and Ham would have changed their decisions had they had the benefit of hindsight and knew that seven astronauts would lose their lives because of their lack of leadership, management, and administrative capabilities. We must listen to alternative viewpoints and encourage open dialogue as future government leaders. We must strive for objectivity in our perspective and not allow our vision to be narrowed by clinging too tightly to a concept or idea that was good in another setting. If human safety is in any way a factor, our level of scrutiny in gathering facts for decision making must be to the utmost. My biggest take-away from this assignment is learning the definition of a â€Å"high reliability organization† and the five bullets that must be embraced to be a true â€Å"high reliability organization†. I will take this concept with me for the rest of my career. Roberts, A. (2004). The reform bubble bursts. Public Administration Review, 64(5), 625-629. Retrieved from By, A. P. (1998, Feb 20). Civil fraud lawsuit against TRW inc. over space contracts is joined by U.S. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Marc, S. G., & Robert, B. S. (2008). Organizational bystanders. People and Strategy, 31(1), 47-54. Retrieved from Gehman, H.W. et. al., Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Report Volume 1 (CAIB) (August 2003). Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, Limited First Printing, August 2003) Robert, J. N., & Craig, E. S. (2009). The loss of the space shuttle Columbia: Portaging leadership lessons with a critical thinking model. Engineering Management Journal, 21(1), 9-18. Retrieved from Weick, K., & Sutcliffe, K. (2001). Managing the Unexpected. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Bhatti, N., Ghulam, M. M., Shaikh, N., Muhammad, A. H., & Faiz, M. S. (2012). The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business Research, 5(2), 192-201. Retrieved from Huxham, Chris. 1996. Collaboration and Collaborative Advantage. In Creating Collaborative Advantage, edited by Chris Huxham, 1–18. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Stillman cccxxiii) Stillman, Richard. Public Administration, 9th Edition. Cengage Learning US, Aug-04. .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lightweight vs. heavyweight construction and their implication to Essay

Lightweight vs. heavyweight construction and their implication to energy efficiency in non-domestic buildings - Essay Example Since the effectiveness of the above strategies is related to the thermal mass of the building, the selection of the construction type is crucial. Considering that each type of construction has advantages and disadvantages in terms of energy efficiency, it is difficult to indicate which type of construction is likely to be more effective. Nevertheless, energy efficiency may be achievable when the advantages of both types of construction are exploited. It is well known that, almost half of the delivered energy is being used by buildings (Bellew, 2000). Energy is consumed in buildings for space and water heating, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning systems and general electrical services (Nicholls, 2002). In order to meet the above description, which is necessary both for survival and adequate levels of comfort it is important to consider the type of construction that consumes energy efficiently. In addition to this, the aim of this paper is to assess the methods used in each type of construction - lightweight or heavyweight- in order to provide efficient energy performance in conjunction with comfort in buildings. Energy efficient buildings are characterised by maximum utilization of natural means that result in minimised energy demand for heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting (Goulding & Lewis, 1994). According to this, methods such as natural ventilation, passive cooling, day lighting and effective use of external (solar) and internal heat gains are the main natural means that define energy efficient buildings. It is also important mentioning that, energy efficiency is specified by the effective use of natural means on the fabric of the building. As such, natural means present different performance when reacting with different fabrics. Nonetheless, energy efficiency of buildings is achievable when a well-managed combination of